測試/ test

引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 this is a test!
語法貼於之間this is a test! 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字  Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage (I think it is called that way…!) I do tend to overbeat the mixture resulting in the dough being too soft. Proof of that is actually the fact that whenever I used to make round on the baking sheet they would always spread quite a lot and sometimes merging into one another. 
#tooltip { position:absolute; z-index:1000; max-width:250px; word-wrap:break-word; background:#43676b; text-align:left; padding:10px; min-height:1em; -moz-border-radius:0px 16px 16px 16px; -khtml-border-radius:0px 16px 16px 16px; -webkit-border-radius:0px 16px 16px 16px; border-radius:0px 16px 16px 16px; } #tooltip p { color:#fff; font:10px 'Microsoft YaHei',Arial,Tahoma,Sans-Serif; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mootools.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/lighter/Lighter.js"></script>
<!-- Syntax highlight using Fuel.js.js and default theme -->
<pre id="jsCode" class="js">var myClass = new Class({})</pre>

<!-- Syntax highlight using Fuel.php.js and theme from Flame.twilight.css -->
<pre id="phpCode" class="php:twilight"><?php php_info() ?></pre>
var myClass = new Class({})

引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage (I think it is called that way…!) I do tend to overbeat the mixture resulting in the dough being too soft. Proof of that is actually the fact that whenever I used to make round on the baking sheet they would always spread quite a lot and sometimes merging into one another. 
引用文字 引用文字 Then the crucial part came and the part
  • 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字
  • 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage
  • this is a test!
  • Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage
引用文字 引用文字 Then the crucial part came and the part

  1. 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字
  2. 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 引用文字 Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage
  3. this is a test!
  4. Then the crucial part came and the part where I think have gone wrong in the past and that is in achieving the correct texture for the macronage

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